Thursday, August 27, 2009

plagiarism kah???

kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?

kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?

kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?

saya sedang memerah otak untuk mendraf kertas cadangan pindaan kaedah tanah pahang untuk dikemukakan kepada mesyuarat exco.sedang dalam proses memerah tersebut saya asyik teringatkan tunang saya..maka saya pun berhenti memerah dan buat keje2 ni pula (selingan je nih, satgi sambung keje balik hehe!)

encik amir balik bila ye cuti merdeka nih?
rasa macam nak jumpa..

hmm..adakah teringat itu rindu?

teringat = rindu


ke cemane?


the above statements are taken from my future sis in-law blog.......

knape ak post mende ni??? ntah...sbb ak jelezzzz kot


ngape nye nak jelezzzz???? sbb....sbb.....dia da ade tunang...ngahahaha

sori kak........heeeeeeeee....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


ape yang ak ckp dr bgun shgga b'buke:

lya: ko pon x pegi klas eh?
aku: x, ak tejage kol 8 suku, da lewat, mls r....ko pegi ke?
lya: x gak
temah: ak tejage lewat sejam dr ko...9 suku..ahaha

1230 - 1400
(dlm klas)
lecturer: u can teach grammar through literary text. let say u want to teach modal through a poem...mmmm the poem about the kid and his father, what's the title??......
aku: rudyard kipling....

(ole ole, pkns)
lya: ko ok???
ak: ok....
lya: ak risau ko je neh...
ak: ak ok je...juz ignore....

(mase nek tangga)
ak: ak sakit jantung r
lya: yeke jantung. katne sakit?
ak: kat sini (smbil menekan dada). jantung la kan kat sini?
lya: ahaha, weh temah, syidot sakit jantung
temah: ak pon sakit gak
lya: ko ni org sakit ko pon nak sakit
temah: ak slalu sakit jantung, dia cam pedih2 gitu
ak: a a, rase pedih
temah: mmm, ye la tu, pedih ulu hati

ak: bismillahirrahmanirrahim.....allahumma lakasumtu wabika amantu wa'ala rizqika aftartu birahmatika ya arhamarrahimin.......................


Saturday, August 22, 2009


it was a very tiring day. with only three hours of sleeping yesterday, we (my frens n i) had to wake up at dawn juz to go for our observation project. we did not know how and where exactly the school was situated thus....with only a google map in pam's hand, the journey began.......

at the beginning of the journey..........

it was a very lovely morning.yes!!! very lovely. it was cool, breezy, and the road was totally clear.........but then, arggghhhh!!! traffic jam!!!! the meter suddenly dropped from 120 km/h to only 40 km/h. the feeling of tension and frustation were in the air. we cursed instead of 'berzikir". astaghfirullahhallazim......may God forgive our sins. then, as slow as a snail, finally we reached the place, and it was only after several times of "kesesatan", hak hak hak.

the school was......ASIS. one of the top SBP schools in this country. however........we were quite suprised with the condition and surrounding of the school. it was not juz looked old. well, that's where the saying goes "don't judge a book by its cover". do you agree? yes? no? not sure? (mr sutaghar's favourite qoute). then, the observation took place.......

we observed!!observed.......and...zzzzzz

after the business settled at around 12.30 p.m, we went for fun. what??? fun!!!!! around 6,we headed home. but again, as expected....traffic jam!!!i've no pic to describe the place because my phone battery was already dead during the massive traffic jam.

finally...we reached home at 10........totally exhausted, can't open my eyes, my feet cramped, my back ached but still.........we had to eat.......e.....a....t.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Monday, August 17, 2009

~~tag from katak ijo~~

1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia? (sesiapa pon boleh)
....teman berduka nestapa besuka ria tak kira masa....

2. 5 impression terhadap dia?
....'dia' prasan cute....
....'dia' suke kale oren....
....'dia' suke an-nisaa' (popuan la tu)....
....'dia' suke men game....
....'dia' adalah 'dia'....

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak?
....the origami thingy....'dia' kate it is a symbol of friendship....

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
....ade ke???hahaha....

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak...... awak akan?
....x tau, can't imagine what will happen..ahaha....

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak...... awak akan?
....erase 'dia' from my mind and my life....

7. Overall impression tentang dia?
....unstable....(financially, academically, mentally,ahaha)

8. The most desirable thing to do to her/him?
....donno, juz pray for 'dia' punye happiness....

9. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap awak?
....baiknye dia ni, sopan santun jek...(ahaha...gile pasan)....

10. The character of you for yourself?
.......blurr....ske nangis....quiet...secretive...bad problem solver......

11. On contrary, the character you hate about you?
......too sensitive......

12. The most ideal person you want to be with?
.......the one who really understands me as Shakespeare said in his sonnet"let me not to the marriage of true minds" ecececece......

13. For people who like you.... tell something about them....
......thank you people...i like you all too....(like je la..=P).....

16. Ten people you tag?
......10??? banyaknye.....mals r nak tag2...huhu.....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

*that's what we call friendship is all about*

behind the nerve cells of my brain, between the beat of my heart:

without dissappointment and enjoyment, without emptiness and liveliness, there will be no great memories. there is always a mixture of good and bad moments in order to have the most memorable time in our lives. let's cherish the moments that we have when we still have the chance to do so..............i love u bebeh!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


lumrah dunia...bile kite slalu mengalah, kite kene tindas. bile kite protes, orang ckp mengade ngade. bile kite kate jangan2 tp dia wat gak last2 kite plak y kene. could you please have a little respect on my private life??? just a little please...dia btol2 ke dia main2 ke it has nothing to do with your lives. sharing is caring but this one is not caring anymore. i always pray the best for you, never interfere with anything you do with your private life so in turn please.......a little.....that's enough for me. thank you.