Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
you know i love you so................ i love you enough to let you go
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 10:37 PM 0 comments
How does it feel living in a life with full of hopes but at the end of the day, nothing is accomplished? The answers are FRUSTRATION, DISSAPPOINTMENT, and ANGER. There is nothing wrong to put hope on something, but don’t do it too much. Give yourself a space to breathe when disappointment hit. A space for you to regain your strength and confidence. A space for you to think about the goodness upon your loss. Life starts with hope. Hope drives us to perform our actions in achieving our missions. But hope must be accompanied with PATIENCE and PRAYS. If the hope is suddenly broken, it is not our fault because it is our DESTINY…………….
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 10:26 PM 0 comments
She is a girl with talents, but lack of confidence. She is trapped in a world which is beyond her expectation. A place she has never dreamed to live in. I remember something she told me when she was a kid, she said happily “I want to be a good girl, I want to help the people around me, I will do everything my parents said, and I will always be the one they will be proud of,” I smiled back at her, happy to hear such determination from a young, innocent child. As a person who was close to her, I followed every single thing she did, we cherished her achievements together, we shared the laughs and cries, everything. We shared almost everything together. There were no secrets between us and I was extremely happy to have that little companion by my side.
Time goes by swiftly, and now, she is a grown up person. I still follow what she does, but from afar. She is now studying in a big city, with new friends and new culture. She was awkward at the beginning, she told me two years ago but now, she is already adapted to that environment. She wants to be accepted, thus, she changed. She forgets her vows, her principles and the thing that she said to me when she was young. I try to remind her but I can’t. I know she is in a dilemma, helpless in choosing her own identity. From the outside, she may look happy but deep down her heart; she wants to be what she used to be. She is too fragile and she needs guidance. I wish…………..I can help her.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
i don't really know how to write educational/knowledgeable pieces of writing but i'm more than willing to share any resources that i found really interesting to be read and think about. so.................this is a link that i want to share with you ^_^
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
plagiarism kah???
kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?
kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?
kenapa saya sangat teringat tunang saya?
saya sedang memerah otak untuk mendraf kertas cadangan pindaan kaedah tanah pahang untuk dikemukakan kepada mesyuarat exco.sedang dalam proses memerah tersebut saya asyik teringatkan tunang saya..maka saya pun berhenti memerah dan buat keje2 ni pula (selingan je nih, satgi sambung keje balik hehe!)
encik amir balik bila ye cuti merdeka nih?
rasa macam nak jumpa..
hmm..adakah teringat itu rindu?
teringat = rindu
ke cemane?
the above statements are taken from my future sis in-law blog.......
knape ak post mende ni??? ntah...sbb ak jelezzzz kot
ngape nye nak jelezzzz???? sbb....sbb.....dia da ade tunang...ngahahaha
sori kak........heeeeeeeee....
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ape yang ak ckp dr bgun shgga b'buke:
lya: ko pon x pegi klas eh?
aku: x, ak tejage kol 8 suku, da lewat, mls r....ko pegi ke?
lya: x gak
temah: ak tejage lewat sejam dr ko...9 suku..ahaha
1230 - 1400
(dlm klas)
lecturer: u can teach grammar through literary text. let say u want to teach modal through a poem...mmmm the poem about the kid and his father, what's the title??......
aku: rudyard kipling....
(ole ole, pkns)
lya: ko ok???
ak: ok....
lya: ak risau ko je neh...
ak: ak ok je...juz ignore....
(mase nek tangga)
ak: ak sakit jantung r
lya: yeke jantung. katne sakit?
ak: kat sini (smbil menekan dada). jantung la kan kat sini?
lya: ahaha, weh temah, syidot sakit jantung
temah: ak pon sakit gak
lya: ko ni org sakit ko pon nak sakit
temah: ak slalu sakit jantung, dia cam pedih2 gitu
ak: a a, rase pedih
temah: mmm, ye la tu, pedih ulu hati
ak: bismillahirrahmanirrahim.....allahumma lakasumtu wabika amantu wa'ala rizqika aftartu birahmatika ya arhamarrahimin.......................
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 8:58 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
at the beginning of the journey..........
it was a very lovely morning.yes!!! very lovely. it was cool, breezy, and the road was totally clear.........but then, arggghhhh!!! traffic jam!!!! the meter suddenly dropped from 120 km/h to only 40 km/h. the feeling of tension and frustation were in the air. we cursed instead of 'berzikir". astaghfirullahhallazim......may God forgive our sins. then, as slow as a snail, finally we reached the place, and it was only after several times of "kesesatan", hak hak hak.
the school was......ASIS. one of the top SBP schools in this country. however........we were quite suprised with the condition and surrounding of the school. it was not juz looked old. well, that's where the saying goes "don't judge a book by its cover". do you agree? yes? no? not sure? (mr sutaghar's favourite qoute). then, the observation took place.......
we observed!!observed.......and...zzzzzz
after the business settled at around 12.30 p.m, we went for fun. what??? fun!!!!! around 6,we headed home. but again, as expected....traffic jam!!!i've no pic to describe the place because my phone battery was already dead during the massive traffic jam.
finally...we reached home at 10........totally exhausted, can't open my eyes, my feet cramped, my back ached but still.........we had to eat.......e.....a....t.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 3:04 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
~~tag from katak ijo~~
1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia? (sesiapa pon boleh)
....teman berduka nestapa besuka ria tak kira masa....
2. 5 impression terhadap dia?
....'dia' prasan cute....
....'dia' suke kale oren....
....'dia' suke an-nisaa' (popuan la tu)....
....'dia' suke men game....
....'dia' adalah 'dia'....
3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak?
....the origami thingy....'dia' kate it is a symbol of friendship....
4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
....ade ke???hahaha....
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak...... awak akan?
....x tau, can't imagine what will happen..ahaha....
6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak...... awak akan?
....erase 'dia' from my mind and my life....
7. Overall impression tentang dia?
....unstable....(financially, academically, mentally,ahaha)
8. The most desirable thing to do to her/him?
....donno, juz pray for 'dia' punye happiness....
9. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap awak?
....baiknye dia ni, sopan santun jek...(ahaha...gile pasan)....
10. The character of you for yourself?
.......blurr....ske nangis....quiet...secretive...bad problem solver......
11. On contrary, the character you hate about you?
......too sensitive......
12. The most ideal person you want to be with?
.......the one who really understands me as Shakespeare said in his sonnet"let me not to the marriage of true minds" ecececece......
13. For people who like you.... tell something about them....
......thank you people...i like you all too....(like je la..=P).....
16. Ten people you tag?
......10??? banyaknye.....mals r nak tag2...huhu.....
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 11:09 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
*that's what we call friendship is all about*

Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
lumrah dunia...bile kite slalu mengalah, kite kene tindas. bile kite protes, orang ckp mengade ngade. bile kite kate jangan2 tp dia wat gak last2 kite plak y kene. could you please have a little respect on my private life??? just a little please...dia btol2 ke dia main2 ke it has nothing to do with your lives. sharing is caring but this one is not caring anymore. i always pray the best for you, never interfere with anything you do with your private life so in turn please.......a little.....that's enough for me. thank you.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
dimana kamu semua?????pulangla.....udah malem nih.enggak bagus kok anak dara keluar malem2...ahaha (cam ak x penah wat plak). bosan....bosan......da 2 kali ahad kok ak bersendirian.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
HoMe AlOnE I
semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat...............
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
*u can't play on broken string
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
~~new sem=new episode~~
ak bgun sekitar jam 6.30 pagi hari ni stlh hampir bepuluh2 kali alarm phoneku menjerit2, tetibe ngah2 kuyu2 tu abg cikku msg :"rumah hapizah kat jengka masuk maling lagi". sape org banjar pahamla maling tu hape ye. tp xde mood la plak ak nak tanye panjang2.ish...teruk btol ak nih. x concern lgsg. pas solat ak memalskan diri utk kali terakhirnye sbb hari ni last day ak kat umah. kol 10.30 t da kene panjat bas ke shah alam. adoi...malasnye.....
ngah diawang awngan tu, ak terimbau la kembali peristiwa y belaku spnjang cuti ni. firstly pemergian sepupuku arwah nublan zaki, then majlis petunangan abg cik n majlis pekahwinan anak sedara sepupuku. ak sekeluarge x dpt hadir ke majlis pengkebumian arwah nublan zaki sbb majlis petunangan abgku esok harinye. ngah recall mende2 hape tah y belaku lg ak pon terzzzzzzzzz.....
akhirnye lam kol lapan dgn saki baki ngantok y masih mampu ku atasi ak pon bgunla. tgok2 kat dapur breakfast da siap (anak dara hapa nih..heee). ak sgt mals...bukan mals nak blaja, tp mlas nak nek bas, jauh sgt...(xla jauh mane pon sbnrnye).
kol 10 ak pon g la betolak ke bus stop y sentiase menunngu kehdrnku kat situ, x len x bukan bus stop dpn ump tu la. ade construction kat ctu so payah gakla nak parking kete. time tunggu basla antare pekare y mampu membuatkan perut ku enggak enak. ade je nak carik pasal. tetibe rase nak terb**** plak. isk........
dlm kol 10.40 bru bas sampai...sblom pergi ak memeluk n mencium ibuku..huhu..cedihnye.....
lam bas plak ak trus tetido dr tol gambang sampai ler bas masuk kl. pas turun kat trminal s.a, tmpat first y ak tuju adlh atm. risau plak yysn phg x msuk g nih, mau ikat perut ak. akhirnye ak tersenyum...yeah yeah da masuk. lega hatiku x tekire. beg y bekilo2 beratnye terase ringan dijinjing, betape hebatnye efek duit tehdp manusia cam ak....ahaha. last2, sampaila kat umah sewaku y da x bebayar 3 buln ni. esok da stat klas so mlm ni ak surf tenet puas2, byk info tetinggl spnjg 2 bln percutianku. sem ni lg mencabar. byk mende kene wat. harap2 ak bole handle dgn baik. lgpon skang ni ak rase x mood da nak hooray2 cam dulu kale. tetibe ak rase mood la..ahahahaha. maybe sbb ak da matang kot. n kesedaran thdp ape y lbih penting da makin menebal dlm diri. usia pon da naik so pemikiran pon ikut same la ke depan kan. mals da nak pikir mende remeh temeh, klu ade ade, klu xde...nati2lah diusahakan. ini bukan masenye lg ( ape ak merepek nih??ahah). ok.....slamat mlam syahida...i love u..ahaks.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
~~karipapku masin~~
da dekat 2 bulan lebih cuti sem baru kali ni la aku merajinkan diri utk memasak secara solo. sblom2 ni semestinye dgn mak yang kucintai menemani disisi. dengan angkuhnye ak bekate pada mak "ok...mak jgn kaco eh, mak g tgk tb". so...dgn rela hatinye mak ak pon berlalu.resipi yg ak cbe kali ni...jeng jeng jeng...karipap!!tetibe ak teringin banget nak mkn kuih resipi y ak carik kat tenet, ak pon startla buat.tekial kial gak mule2, rs cam teringin nak tanye mak kat depan nuh tp.....malu la plak...ahaha...tu la...riak dan takabbur sgt td. okeh...tape2...senang je (konon)....eheh. mule2 wat inti...beres. pastu uli tepung, mmm part ni ak musykil sket. btol ke care ak uli ni, takut je doh ni x lembut t, susah plak nak bentuk. ah...tape, uli je, lame2 lembut r. bape kali ak letak air pon ak tak tau tp akhirnye jdla doh yg ak idam2 kan. pastu, belaku la plak proses memsukkan inti kat dlm doh yang ak da bulat2kan jd kecik2. memg kecik btol, coz ak x ske y besar2 cam y kat kedai tu..x comei,heee. pastu dgn tekunnye ak watla satu2.....ade y kecik sket, ade y besar sket, ade y comei, ade y x...ahaha, lantakla, ak da penat janji leh mkn. akhirnye...siapla seme 20 ketol karipap y ak buat. nampak cam simple, mkn x sempat seminit da telan tp nak wat..pergh..dekat sejam gak (amatur katekan). pastu ak pon gorengla n bawak kat depan, dgn tesengih2 ak suh mak ak rase. mak ak kate ok tp bile tgk reaksi ayah ak y mcm nak tejeluak, ak pon rasela. rupe2nye karipapku masin. mak ak kate xla masin sgt tp dlm hati ak tau mak ak tanak ak terase....huhu.
moral of d story: never give up..bru first trial..hehe
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:03 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
~~~ayat ayat cinta~~~

Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
i must work harder next sem......(a promise to myself)
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
~~semoga dirimu aman di sana...amin~~
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
~~d nite of sociolinguistics~~
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 3:55 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
~~happy mother's day~~
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
~~lya suh update~~
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
~~no title~~
esok tepat jam 9 pg adalah paper contemp lit, ttp skrang otakku seakan2 mahu meluahkan sedikit pandangan mengenai isu2 y berlegar di sekeliling.....
manusia atau al-insaan di dlm bahasa arab adalah sebaik2 makhluk ciptaan Allah. bermula dgn kejadian Nabi Adam a.s sehinggalah sekarang, hampir tidak terhitung lg jumlah manusia di muka bumi ini. manusia itu terdiri dari pelbagai sifat dan kerenah samada secara zahir atau batin. justeru perkara ini mewujudkan kepelbagaian antara kita. namun, harus diingat satu perkara yang dimiliki oleh setiap insan yang bergelar manusia ialah: pelupa. kita harus sedar, kita adalah makhluk Allah yang tidak sempurna. tidak lari dari melakukan kesilapan dan kesalahan. oleh itu, jika ada di antara kita yang telah melakukan kesilapan, janganlah dicanang kesilapan yang telah dilakukannya tetapi di sebalik itu, berilah nasihat agar dpt sama2 memuhasabahkan diri. sebaik baik manusia adalah yang mampu belajar dari kesilapannya dan tidak mengulangnya kembali.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 10:24 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
exam+wed byk kene bace.!!..commmon quote when examination is juz around the corner especially for those who love to study at the very last minute like me, huhu. i juz went back from my hometown after two weeks of 'vacation'. btol2 rilek sampai date exam pon lpe. thanx a lot to my concerned parents even kene beleter panjang. yesterday my third bro brought home a very very good news. a news that my mom has been waiting for several years. he is getting married!! and i'm happy too!!because...the next turn will be mine..hehe. so as the bridegroom going to be, i saw several changes within him. yelah nak jd suami kan..kene la berubah, no more wrestling like before. but...the saddest thing is i'm gonna miss it=(....haih..i need to change myself!! my lil bro plak still wif his childish behavior. bile nak besar ntah. but i like it=) least adela orang ak bole kaco when d other one da jd milik org. back to the wedding business, the best part was Poh Kong!!survey pnye survey skali my bro lpe y mane dia tempah. adeh....trus ilang ke"excited"kan ak (mcm cincin tu utk ak plak kan..ahah). then we entered MPH. pelik gak, since when my bro ni ske shopping buku. rupe2 nye one of the hantaran is a book entitled "rahsia malam pengantin". my lil bro n me tergelak2 la jugak while my mind was travelling into the yellow zone..isk3. after about two hours ngatkan da setel upenye ade lg. nak carik tepak sirih plak dah...celah mane nak carik mende alah ni. then my mom said she will find it. org mude2 ni manela tau mende traditional nih. ak pon da lpe camne tepak sirih tu pnye rupe. okla..considered settle. on the way back my mom said "thun depan ida plak". dlm hati ak berkata:ameen..........
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 2:57 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
~~no title~~
********aku rasa benar2 tenang*********
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Personality Test
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
The seriousness of your love:
Your views on education:
The right job for you:
How do you view success:
What are you most afraid of:
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
~~women and money~~
Tips for saving:
1) Be selective, compare the price of one product with other products.
2) Buy in large quantity.
3) Shop with your friends, they will help you in comparing, selecting, and calculating..hehe.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
~~creative writing class~~
supposedly i wrote this last saturday where my creative writing class was held at tasik shah alam. we were assigned to observe the surrounding at the lake and later create our own short story. it was enjoyable as it was the first time i hang out with my classmates during this semester. there were abundance of food and i ate till i can't breathe..huhu. these are among the pics taken:
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
~~apa ertinya rindu??~~
aku suke dia!!!!!!!!!!aku rindu dia!!!!!!!wish he knows about this....isk3
my cute little nephew Najmi... can't wait to see u this weekend!!
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
~~single ladies~~
Reasons why smart people stays single:
1. Single means you have the time to grow and be the person you want to be.
2. Single gives you space to grow. It is harder to grow when you are too close to someone.
3. Single means learning to live by yourself.
4. Single means freedom.
5. Single means learning not to need a man/woman to make your life meaningful.
6. Single is realizing that being married is not necessarily better.
7. Single means that there could be something wonderful around the corner and you can take advantage of it.
8. Single means you are free to love again.
9. Single means you have more time to care for other people.
Why Ladies today are still single?
1. The nice men are ugly.
2. The handsome men are not nice.
3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have No money.
6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.
7. The handsome men without money are after our money.
8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.
10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!
11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
**bile saya bosan**
Milik siapakah gadis ini,,,wajah lembut bagaikan sutera (kekeke..perasan)….milik siapakah hati ini…bagai berkurun lama kesepian….ingin aku mencurahkan kasih kepada yang sudi…adakah dia sudi????
Mak! Nak kawen….hehehe
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:10 AM 2 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
mmmm...a lot of works and no play makes jack a dull boy...huhu, ak pon da jd cam jack, just x betukar jantina je,tensionnye.....can i just escape all this and straight away graduate?? nantilah tanye bang berahim..ooops sorry vc,heeeee. i think this is my worst sem ever, ponteng, x submit assignment, sakit2, isk3.....too many to handle. kalu fac edu ade wat short sem kan best..tade la sampai bepuluh kredit hour kene amek skaligus....but it is just only if.....
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
**Life is nothing but conundrum**
we humans are insatiable in nature...we can hardly satisfy ourselves even if we already have everything we want. we crave for things that we really don't need and once we already have what we want, still we look for something better. we long for people who doesn't even like us. we can't love the persons who love and long for us dearly. we take for granted the people who loves us truly and when they finally stopped loving us, we start to care. we find it very easy to give advices to the problems of others where in fact we can't even solve our own. and depressingly, we learn to admit our mistakes when it's too late to be sorry. these are what makes life a puzzle, a never ending cycle. what this life offers us are opportunities to grow up, learn more and become better persons. sometimes we just get too lazy to even notice it. if we've been doing it right from the start then life must have been boring, right? but let's view it in another way. if we start doing things in the supposed way, then life may even bring us more opportunities to live better and we could have been saved from the miseries caused by our own wrong choices. hmmmm.... just a thought.
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
~~first trial..hehe~~
What should i write here?? mmm, since this is my first post so i don't have many things to talk about. It is a trend nowadays to have our own blog so....i decided to have one. It can be a medium for me to throw out my feelings (anger,happiness,dissappointment), voicing out my opinion, sharing ideas and also to kutuk2 org...ahaha sangat sungguh tidak baik perbuatan itu ye anak2. mmmm, not so many things happened today. As usual on wed i don't have class so i spend my time mostly on my fluffy pillow and the smelly mr teddy. supposely i have to go for my appointment with the doc today but i'm afraid of d result and the pain that i have to face so i decided to procrastinate it....huhu. then, in the evening i went out with mama n feelchah to tesco. da lame x kuar leh gak cuci2 mate...getting bored with the same faces at the faculty ahaha.
i think this is enough for a start, i am on an emotional rollercoaster now.....unstable hormones that cause headache and depression...i'm in depression???oh no...its just normal stress...huhu..till then da~~~~~
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 4:11 AM 0 comments