"LAWYERS are professional bloody kiddo!! most TESL TEACHERS are retarded!!! full of immature dancing, wat do you guys learn anyway?? WE ARE LAWYERS, BABY!" - posted at facebook by an immature law student (undergraduate) from university of ...............
Friday, October 29, 2010
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
life...as it should be.....

grab my glasses, i'm out the door, i'm gonna hit the........library...huhu

cause when i leave for the night, i'll always come back...;p

Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
eternal tranquility........
FAITH. That's the answer. Once we have faith in our heart and mind, we will be able to solve any problems and find the best choice in our lives. Faith comes with a lot of good deeds and prayers. We have to believe in what we are doing and be firm with our stand. When we have such thinking within our mind, our heart will eventually follow. Given a situation of a broken- hearted person who almost lost her sense of sanity, the only way to save her is to urge her to treasure her inner strength, which is....her faith. We cannot easily give up on things that come upon us and we cannot just let it past without knowing what it actually brings. Take some times to realize about the problems and find the best solution, guided by your faith. Believe it or not, it will bring you towards an eternal tranquility........
Written at 0157 while chatting with him ;)
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
a walk to remember
there is approximately 2 months left b4 i end my undergraduate study, hopefully......(praying). it has been a long journey filled with ups and downs, thrilled and suprised adventures, falling in and out of love (sadis2...ok that's enough), success and failure, improving and adjusting skills, being a betrayer and being betrayed, and now, the end is coming nearer. my world was very small before i started my journey here. i was labelled 'sombong' during my foundation year, a backstabber during my first year, a sociable girl during my second year, and finally, i am on my way to becoming the 'real' me. the mistakes done are the lessons to learn, we cannot change the past but we can always plan the future. i learnt a lot from my friends, thanks a lot guys for being patient and never tired of my childish attitude, and through my friend as well, i am on my way to meet my love one. but then again, we can't tell the future but we can always plan..........just BE POSITIVE (terbang ke toyama,heheh) ....zzzzz
Posted by ~~Cahaya Saksi~~ at 1:07 AM 0 comments